In the yoga philosophy, one of the tenants we are asked to explore and observe is what’s called Satya which means truth or truthfulness. This Papa has been exploring this a lot lately as I dive deeply into a phrase I’ve used throughout my life; “but it’s the ‘truth’”.

In the yoga philosophy, one of the tenants we are asked to explore and observe is what’s called Satya which means truth or truthfulness. This Papa has been exploring this a lot lately as I dive deeply into a phrase I’ve used throughout my life; “but it’s the ‘truth’”.
Satya asks us to seek only the truth as we examine the things we tell ourselves and others. You see, there’s a difference between truth and opinion. A truth is telling your child to stay away from the oven while you’re cooking because it’s hot. But, what if I say to you, “it’s cold outside today.” If you don’t think it’s cold out, this is only “my truth” or in reality, my opinion. Just because it feels cold to me doesn’t mean that it is in fact cold.
Do I have you confused yet? It certainly has gotten me a bit tangled up as I went down the path of examining “my truths.” How many of these were formed from the opinions of others? Honestly, many of them. Too many to count.
As a father of two young adult women, our conversations now involve worldly issues. And, I find myself challenging myself on what I’ve taught them is “truth”. How much of this was just my truth and how well will it serve them? The journey can be quite arduous to untangle.
Mindfulness has taught me to observe the words that roll of my tongue with ease. Satya teaches to me explore are they truth or opinion. For instance, I’m exploring how many of things I’ve been taught about myself have formed my identity.
On a recent trip visiting my mother, we were reminiscing about me playing football in my early years. My parents always told me I was such a great athlete. And for that matter, so did the coaches. I guess some trophies can put some “truth” to it and certainly my ego enjoys the memory but was this opinion or truth?