One of the most overlooked aspects of actually having correct posture and core stabilization is how you’re breathing.

Proper alignment of the feet, hips and spine are essential elements in weight training. One of the most overlooked aspects of actually having correct posture and core stabilization is how you’re breathing. The art and science of proper movement is linking breath with movement by properly engaging the diaphragm muscle. It’s your source of power, strength & flexibility all in the same moment.
The quality of the movement begins and ends with the quality of our inhale and exhale. The breath sets in motion all the moving parts of weight training behind the scenes. Not only can various breathing techniques enhance the gains and recovery of your weight training, there are different techniques to do between sets to bring your heart rate down quickly and efficiently while remaining centered and present. The breath becomes our tool for expanding our mental and physical awareness of how we approach the moment at hand, our level of expectation of ourselves and how are we creating the leverage required to move the stress load.
Learning Objectives:
Properly engaging the maximum effects of the diaphragm muscle
The benefits of linking breath with movement
Maximizing the time between sets